Laurent Garnier

Hi, I'm a developer that loves clean & elegant code.

A little bit about me.

In 2020 I've decided to learn to code seriously. So I planned to travel accross Russia... unfortunately coronavirus decided something else. So I was stuck in Saint Petersburg (EDIT: I'm in Moscow) and I code every day! My journey into tech started a long time ago. But my discipline started in February of this year! The more I learn about code, the more I want to learn. Currently I am very interesting in text to speech conversion (click here to see an example).

That curiosity then opened a door that could never be shut.
By the way I am very interested in 5 main topics: natural languages (like chinese or russian for instance, and obviously, if you want to learn French feel free to contact me), mathematics, computer science, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and self improvement.

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Hand-Coded HTML

My focus is writing clean, well formatted, semantic HTML5 by hand to make sure that the content is easy to read, easy to collaborate, trouble-shoot and accessible. Currently I am very interesting in text to speech conversion (click here to see an example).

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Well-Organized CSS

I pride myself on writing CSS that is easy to read and build on. I focus on keeping my CSS lean and fast to load, and I make it a habit to stay up to date on current best practices.

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Ease Converting Designs into Code

You can trust me to take a designer's PSD and quickly & accurately convert it into a webpage that is pixel-perfect match.